Pilton Women’s Institute visit to Ashford Garden Centre at the time of t...
Claire Helliwell sent us this photograph, among others, which document some of the activities of the Pilton Women’s Institute. Her mother, Eileen German (née Sprague), took the photograph. With he...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 280
End of an era for Pilton WI after 42 years
After 42 years members of Pilton WI met for the last time at the Barnstaple Hotel for Christmas dinner, 2013. The institute, founded in 1971, had been struggling to retain members for three years. ...
- from: Richard.Howe
- Hits: 1203
Pilton Women's Institute Committee in the early 1970s
We think this is the Pilton WI from sometime in the early 1970s. It was formed in 1971 and disbanded in 2012. Back Row – Lucy Marsh, Pam ??, Jean Elston (née Thorne), Audrey Paull, Middle Row –...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 11939
Alena Cartmell interviews Pilton WI
Pat Colwill and Margaret Scott of Pilton Women’s Institute (WI) visited The Pilton Story during the drop-in opening time (5 – 7pm) on 21st May 2012 bringing with them albums and stories from their ...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 1451
Pilton Women's Institute Stall at Pilton Festival
This Pilton Festival stall by the Pilton WI was sometime in the mid 2000s. The helpers are, left to right, Mary Williams, Margaret Scott, Pat Colwill, Audrey Paull and Phyllis Axeworthy. Thanks t...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 1019
Pilton Women's Institute Pantomime 'Cinderella' in the e...
Pilton WI staged pantomimes in Pilton Church Hall during the 1970s and early 1980s. This one is 'Cinderella' with a cast of, left to right, Pauline West, Janet Richards, Margaret Scott, the witch ...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 11038
Pilton WI First Birthday
The first birthday party was held at Chaddiford Lane School. From left to right: Davis Blewett, Wendy Lakeman, Kath Ashby, Mary Newcombe, Doreen Prew, ?, ?, Letitia Whiteley (the oldest member cut...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 1559
Pilton WI Presents a Millenium Clock to North Devon Hospice in 2000
In 2000 the Pilton Women's Institute (WI) presented a clock to the North Devon Hospice to celebrate the Millenium. The photo shows (left to right) Phyllis Axeworthy, Rita Gould, Rose Francis, Alis...
- from: Martin.Haddrill
- Hits: 6025