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Alena Cartmell interviews Pilton WI

Alena Cartmell interviews Pilton WI /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=198

Pat Colwill and Margaret Scott of Pilton Women’s Institute (WI) visited The Pilton Story during the drop-in opening time (5 – 7pm) on 21st May 2012 bringing with them albums and stories from their 42 year history in Pilton. The institute formed in 1970, because development in North Devon brought many new people and lots of new housing to Pilton – particularly around Bellaire, Northfield and Littabourne.

Interviewed at length by junior reporter, Alena Cartmell, Pat and Margaret revealed how different life was then. Margaret explained, “In newly-built Lynbro Road there was lots of mud when it rained and we had to put our wellies on to get to Northfield Lane to walk into town. We didn’t have a car.” Pat said, “Mobile phones didn’t exist then and people were a lot friendlier and got to know their neighbours much quicker than today.” They also revealed that in those days TVs were small and black and white only and there were miniskirts, hot pants, the start of rock and roll and Elvis was ‘king’.

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