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Summer Concert of Words and Music in Pilton Church during 2008 Festival with North Devon Young Musicians


Over 130 people attended the Summer Concert of Words and Music organised by THE FRIENDS OF PILTON CHURCH on the evening of Pilton Festival in July 2008. They heard a brilliant mixture of words (written and/or read by local people), and music (played or sung by some really talented North Devon young musicians) - a wonderfully calming antidote to the noisy Pilton Street of earlier in the day.

North Devon's Young Musicians played and sang a programme of summery music – with voice, flute, cello, violin, oboe or bassoon – was interspersed with tales of the delights of the magic English summers, visits to the beach, armchair gardening, that first taste of cider, the rigours of being Pilton Nurse in the first half of 20th Century, and the Owls of the River Yeo. The Summer Concert, which also took place during the 1982 Festival, was revived in 2007 and is organised by Carol Haddrill who came to Pilton in 2001 together with Karen Hopper and Heather Shorten of the Young Musicians Support.

First published in Pilton Parish Magazine in September 2008.

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