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May Belles and Wedding Bells in Sixties’ Pilton

  • from: Wendy.Clarke
  • uploaded: Aug 11, 2014
  • Hits: 808

Susan Roscoe, age 16, left her family home in Fair View, Pilton, with her parents, one brother and five sisters and emigrated to Australia in1970. In this fascinating note she recounts her time as Pilton's May Queen, maypole dancing on Pilton House lawn, being a bridesmaid at the wedding of her aunt, Janet Gratton to Richard Day in 1965, and her trip back to Pilton for the first time after 20 years. She is now Susan Houston and lives in New Zealand.

Download the file to read more about her time in Sixties' Pilton and see some great photographs from the period.

Thanks to Susan Houston for these memories and photographs.

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