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Pilton Panto 2011 : A Panto by any other name can sound as funny

Pilton Panto 2011 : A Panto by any other name can sound as funny /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=58

Pantomime originated in Greece two millennia ago and developed into what it is today under the influence of the Italian commedia dell’arte from the 14th-15th centuries. Performances were based on five standard characters – Harlequin (comic), Pierrot (country bumpkin), Columbine (a lovely woman, and Harlequin’s love interest), Clown (a comical idiot and foil for Harlequin), and Pantaloon (devious and greedy) – with simple storylines, complicated plots and cross-dressing.

This was very much the format of Pilton’s Panto in January ‘From Benidorm with Love’, a romp based on the classic espionage storyline – featuring a suave spy called James Pond. It took place in London, Moscow, Benidorm, Westward Ho!, Barnstaple and Ilfracombe allowing the usual jokes about our neighbouring towns – and, as ever, the Welsh - typical of this annual, not-to-be-missed, event. All five of the standard pantomime characters – and quite a few more - were present in a talented cast of over twenty. Despite the bumbling Scouse spy recruit, Willie Widdle, and with the help of his Aunt Priscilla, niece Penny, girlfriend Bunny Bristols and an excellent cast of celebrity-based spy story characters, James Pond saved the world from the dreaded THRUSH and the usual villains. Hurrah! Well done to all involved and thanks for the money raised for the Hall, the Festival and the North Devon Hospice.

The Panto also shows off the brilliant facilities of Pilton Hall – lights, sound, seating and bar – in which the Committee is investing to make it an even better community asset. If you didn’t see this year’s Panto, do come along to next year’s and don’t be put off by the title! It will have the same characters you know and love - in some form or other! This photograph is of the final wedding scene of the Panto.

Article published in Parish Magazine March 2011

Follow this link to see the programme of the 2011 Pilton Panto:

Follow this link to an archive item on how the money raised was used for good causes:

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